Sunday, April 27, 2014

My Story

Hi!  My name is Jill and I live in Colorado.  I have been overweight for as long as I can remember and am tired of having no energy and feeling like I do.  I am making the commitment to change my life and will write about it here.  Today is the first day of my new life!

I have been reading about the paleo lifestyle and slowly making changes in my diet, but haven't fully committed to the lifestyle.  The information that I have read about paleo/primal and, really, just eating real foods makes a lot of sense to me.  I feel like we throw so many medications at people and don't truly look at the core of the problem.  I am excited to see how the changes in my diet, and subsequently my activity level, will change my life and my body.  I am excited for the increase in energy I will get from taking out the grains and processed foods in my diet.  I know there will be challenges and times when I don't feel like taking the time to make my food or follow my plan, but I know that I am strong enough to overcome these.  I also know that I have a great support group and will make sure they know what I am doing so they can help me when I ask for it.

Here's to a new, happier, healthier life!

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